Jun 28, 2010


It is a two-day trip with my company. Because Kaley is too young, we decide to drive our car instead of taking company bus to have better flexibility. Had a lot of fun these two days.

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Glacier point

Dad & daughter, the rack is convenient for hiking.

Mom & daughter

Running angel

2010-06-26,27 Yosemite(59 pics)

Jun 19, 2010

Garage Sale 戰利品

露露的媽今早去某家 Garage Sale 帶了三個玩具回來。小朋友的玩具淘汰的很快,兩年後大概也得Garage sale,把它們賣出給其他需要的人。

US$5 太陽曬久了有一點舊,但是露露眼睛閃亮閃亮睜得大大的,玩了整個早上捨不得下來。

US$3 很新的小車子,有長柄讓大人在後面推
US$15 比露露還高的玩具廚臺